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 Statist Scum: White Cop Lied About Black Assailant -- Purposely shot himself in the shoulder

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Statist Scum: White Cop Lied About Black Assailant -- Purposely shot himself in the shoulder Vide
PostSubject: Statist Scum: White Cop Lied About Black Assailant -- Purposely shot himself in the shoulder   Statist Scum: White Cop Lied About Black Assailant -- Purposely shot himself in the shoulder Icon_minitimeThu May 13, 2010 6:22 am

A white police sergeant in Philadelphia has admitted that he made up a story about being shot by a black assailant and instead purposely shot himself in the shoulder, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer. "There's some speculation he did it to get attention, or to get transferred," said the city's police chief, who called it a "terrible and embarrassing chapter in our history."

This fat fuck:

Statist Scum: White Cop Lied About Black Assailant -- Purposely shot himself in the shoulder 20100406dng2copp06c6125

Sgt. Robert Ralston originally said that after he stopped two men for questioning, one pulled a gun and aimed at his head. He said when he knocked the gun away, it went off and grazed him. That set off a huge manhunt before the details of Ralston's story fell apart, notes AP. Ralston has been suspended and is expected to be fired. The 21-year veteran won't face criminal charges, but he must reimburse the city for the cost of the manhunt.
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Statist Scum: White Cop Lied About Black Assailant -- Purposely shot himself in the shoulder

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