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 Awww, cop, wife found shot to death in their home after he failed to show up to work, awww...

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Awww, cop, wife found shot to death in their home after he failed to show up to work, awww... Vide
PostSubject: Awww, cop, wife found shot to death in their home after he failed to show up to work, awww...   Awww, cop, wife found shot to death in their home after he failed to show up to work, awww... Icon_minitimeSat Apr 29, 2023 9:50 pm

A North Carolina police officer and his wife were found shot to death in their home by his supervisors after he failed to show up to work, authorities said.

Fayetteville police officers responded to the home of fellow officer Domingo Tavarez-Rodriguez on Friday when he didn't report to work at 6 p.m., according to Fayetteville Police Chief Kemberle Braden.

Awww, cop, wife found shot to death in their home after he failed to show up to work, awww... Fayetteville-police-presser-ht-jt-230429_1682798931311_hpMain_16x9_992


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Awww, cop, wife found shot to death in their home after he failed to show up to work, awww...

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