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 Watch: Musk Warns Bill Maher 'Woke Mind Virus' Is Existential Threat To Civilization

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Watch: Musk Warns Bill Maher 'Woke Mind Virus' Is Existential Threat To Civilization Vide
PostSubject: Watch: Musk Warns Bill Maher 'Woke Mind Virus' Is Existential Threat To Civilization   Watch: Musk Warns Bill Maher 'Woke Mind Virus' Is Existential Threat To Civilization Icon_minitimeSat Apr 29, 2023 6:05 pm

"I, at least, think of myself as a moderate," Elon Musk told Bill Maher during an appearance Friday night on the comedian's HBO show.

Watch: Musk Warns Bill Maher 'Woke Mind Virus' Is Existential Threat To Civilization FRcu9TeXEAMjvTM?format=jpg&name=small

Despite being decried by all asunder as a 'far-right conservative operative' or some such hyperbole, Musk said:

   "I spent a massive amount of my life energy building sustainable energy, you know, electric vehicles, and batteries, and solar. It's not exactly far-right."

Musk made his opinion clear a year ago - he hasn't changed, the world has...

And somehow in all this divisive bullshit, 'allowing' free speech has become a virtue of the far-right, the enablers of violence, the fascists

   "Free speech used to be a left or liberal value, and yet we see from the quote 'left' a desire to actually censor, and that seems crazy."

   "I think we should be extremely concerned about anything that undermines the First Amendment," Musk said.

More explicitly regarding his acquisition or, and changes made at, Twitter, Musk said:

   "My concern with Twitter was to that it is somewhat of the digital town square and it's important that there be both the reality and perception of trust for a wide range of viewpoints."

Maher responded that he does not tweet any more because “it’s too easy to get canceled” by a mob.

   “Because you may be the mayor of tweet town now and I’m glad - I like it that the mayor likes my jokes - but the reason I don’t do it anymore is because the mob of mean girls is still there and that has not changed.

   Like, it’s too easy to get canceled and I don’t even know what pisses them off: they’re so nuts, these kids.

   I feel like I’m walking on a roof with a blind fold: I could fall off anytime, that was the most innocuous thing, but it’s like, you know, I said George Washington was a great president - oh how dare you,” Maher continued.

“You have to say, like, what does canceled mean? You know - I mean, yes, if people attack you on Twitter that’s one thing - but frankly that’s just going to increase engagement. So I would just ignore it,” Musk replied somewhat prosaically.


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Watch: Musk Warns Bill Maher 'Woke Mind Virus' Is Existential Threat To Civilization

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