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 What teachers unions do is legalized thuggery. Here's what parents can do

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What teachers unions do is legalized thuggery. Here's what parents can do Vide
PostSubject: What teachers unions do is legalized thuggery. Here's what parents can do   What teachers unions do is legalized thuggery. Here's what parents can do Icon_minitimeFri Apr 28, 2023 10:00 pm

Parents, join the fight to limit union power and put kids first

If thugs were hurting your kid, you'd do almost anything to stop them. The harm inflicted by the teachers unions is legalized thuggery. Here's what you can do.

Closing schools in the spring of 2020, when no one understood COVID, was understandable. But once science showed negligible risk to students in returning to the classroom, prolonging closures became child abuse. Yet on orders from the Biden White House, the CDC followed the unions' dictates instead of the science.

School closures led to severe learning loss, setting back many kids for years, possibly the rest of their lives. "This is potentially going to be a real problem for this generation," warns University of Oxford researcher Bastian Betthauser. Consulting firm McKinsey & Company calls the impact on students' basic skills "grim." A staggering 37 percent of high school students reported suffering mental health struggles during the lockdowns, according to a CDC survey.

Listen up, parents. Protecting your kids from the unions requires waging political warfare, state by state.


perpevil    Fuckschool
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What teachers unions do is legalized thuggery. Here's what parents can do

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