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 UK parents face co-ordinated strikes by "teachers" and heads as four unions prepare to join forces and walk out together

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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UK parents face co-ordinated strikes by "teachers" and heads as four unions prepare to join forces and walk out together Vide
PostSubject: UK parents face co-ordinated strikes by "teachers" and heads as four unions prepare to join forces and walk out together   UK parents face co-ordinated strikes by "teachers" and heads as four unions prepare to join forces and walk out together Icon_minitimeFri Apr 28, 2023 6:48 pm

Fresh teacher strikes are expected this Autumn as four major education unions intend to coordinate industrial action over a long-running dispute about pay.

UK parents face co-ordinated strikes by "teachers" and heads as four unions prepare to join forces and walk out together 70357553-12025811-image-a-2_1682698960956

The National Education Union (NEU), the NASUWT, the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) and the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) will team up over any future strike action over pay, it was announced today.

It comes as teacher members of the NEU staged fresh strikes in schools and sixth form colleges across England on Thursday.

NAHT general secretary Paul Whiteman described the decision as an 'unprecedented show of solidarity' which sends a 'clear signal' to the Government.

But the Government said it had made a 'fair and reasonable' pay offer.


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UK parents face co-ordinated strikes by "teachers" and heads as four unions prepare to join forces and walk out together

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