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 Despicable groups pushing vaccine passports, mandates, were quietly funded by Pfizer

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Despicable groups pushing vaccine passports, mandates, were quietly funded by Pfizer Vide
PostSubject: Despicable groups pushing vaccine passports, mandates, were quietly funded by Pfizer   Despicable groups pushing vaccine passports, mandates, were quietly funded by Pfizer Icon_minitimeFri Apr 28, 2023 3:15 am

Pfizer, the manufacturer of one of the most widely used COVID-19 vaccines in the country, silently funded groups advocating for vaccine mandates and passports, according to a report by Lee Fang (paywalled).

In August 2021, the president of the Chicago Urban League, Karen Freeman-Wilson, in an interview on TV, argued that vaccine mandates would not disproportionately harm the black community.

“The health and safety factor here far outweighs the concern about shutting people out or creating a barrier,” Freeman-Wilson said at the time.

Despicable groups pushing vaccine passports, mandates, were quietly funded by Pfizer 9k=


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Despicable groups pushing vaccine passports, mandates, were quietly funded by Pfizer

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