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 Brainwashed schoolchildren chanting 'He's OUR King' drown out 'Not Our King' protesters

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Brainwashed schoolchildren chanting 'He's OUR King' drown out 'Not Our King' protesters Vide
PostSubject: Brainwashed schoolchildren chanting 'He's OUR King' drown out 'Not Our King' protesters   Brainwashed schoolchildren chanting 'He's OUR King' drown out 'Not Our King' protesters Icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2023 6:22 pm

Schoolchildren chanting 'He's our King' drowned out 'Not Our King' protesters in Liverpool as Charles and Camilla visited this afternoon.

Brainwashed schoolchildren chanting 'He's OUR King' drown out 'Not Our King' protesters 70265221-12015985-image-a-4_1682527067511

Anti-monarchy demonstrators earlier gathered outside the city's Central Library as the King and Queen were expected to arrive to officially mark the library's twinning with Ukraine's first public library, the Regional Scientific Library in Odesa.

The royal couple met key partners involved in both a two-week cultural festival that will run alongside the Eurovision contest, and Eurolearn, a Eurovision-inspired education programme for primary and secondary pupils.

Pressure group Republic tweeted video footage showing crowds of their protesters chanting 'Not My King' with one leading the chants using a megaphone.

But another video shows their chants were then drowned out by groups of schoolchildren shouting 'He's Our King!'  


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Brainwashed schoolchildren chanting 'He's OUR King' drown out 'Not Our King' protesters

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