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 Human Degeneracy Watch: ‘Demonic’ MS-13 felon dismembers Florida Uber Eats driver

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Human Degeneracy Watch: ‘Demonic’ MS-13 felon dismembers Florida Uber Eats driver Vide
PostSubject: Human Degeneracy Watch: ‘Demonic’ MS-13 felon dismembers Florida Uber Eats driver   Human Degeneracy Watch: ‘Demonic’ MS-13 felon dismembers Florida Uber Eats driver Icon_minitimeTue Apr 25, 2023 9:16 pm

A “demonic” MS-13 gang member robbed and dismembered an Uber Eats driver in Florida for no apparent reason last week, police said Tuesday.

Oscar Solis, 30, who moved to the Sunshine State in January after being sprung on parole from Indiana, allegedly “yanked” Randall Cooke, 59, into his home on April 19 and butchered him, according to Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco.

Cooke was making his final delivery of the night and the last thing he texted his wife was to tell her he would be home soon before his brutal murder.

“He was just a guy trying to make a living for his family,” Nocco said at a press conference, calling the murder “demonic.”

Human Degeneracy Watch: ‘Demonic’ MS-13 felon dismembers Florida Uber Eats driver NYPICHPDPICT000010131574


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Human Degeneracy Watch: ‘Demonic’ MS-13 felon dismembers Florida Uber Eats driver

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