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 European Farmers Furious As Unhinged Environmentalists Escalate War On Food

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European Farmers Furious As Unhinged Environmentalists Escalate War On Food Vide
PostSubject: European Farmers Furious As Unhinged Environmentalists Escalate War On Food   European Farmers Furious As Unhinged Environmentalists Escalate War On Food Icon_minitimeTue Apr 25, 2023 12:16 am

European farmers are furious over a bullshit plan by the European Union which would force then to be treated as industrial plants, similar to steel mills or chemical works, in order to force them to cut greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution, the Financial Times reports.

Greek farmer Takis Kazanas, 66, and his four sons run a 230-acre ranch with 300 cattle ranch in the mountains overlooking the Thessalian Plain. While the farmers already capture biogas from cow dung, and use homemade manure vs. chemical fertilizer, Kazanas is one of many farmers up in arms over environmentalist bureaucrats who want to impose crippling new rules on them in order to cut emissions by 55% by 2030 vs. 1990 levels.

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