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 Ex-FBI Agents Accuse Top CIA, FBI Officials of 9/11 Coverup; CIA Said to Use Saudis, Others for Illegal Domestic Spy Operations

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Ex-FBI Agents Accuse Top CIA, FBI Officials of 9/11 Coverup; CIA Said to Use Saudis, Others for Illegal Domestic Spy Operations Vide
PostSubject: Ex-FBI Agents Accuse Top CIA, FBI Officials of 9/11 Coverup; CIA Said to Use Saudis, Others for Illegal Domestic Spy Operations   Ex-FBI Agents Accuse Top CIA, FBI Officials of 9/11 Coverup; CIA Said to Use Saudis, Others for Illegal Domestic Spy Operations Icon_minitimeMon Apr 24, 2023 11:16 pm

I’m posting this with the following caveat: This should not be considered an endorsement of any aspect of the official story of how 9/11 was carried out.

My take on this is that it might indicate some activities related to CIA’s management of patsies ahead of the big day.


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Ex-FBI Agents Accuse Top CIA, FBI Officials of 9/11 Coverup; CIA Said to Use Saudis, Others for Illegal Domestic Spy Operations

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