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 Hear! Hear! Scrap the tourist tax that’s harming Britain

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Hear! Hear! Scrap the tourist tax that’s harming Britain Vide
PostSubject: Hear! Hear! Scrap the tourist tax that’s harming Britain   Hear! Hear! Scrap the tourist tax that’s harming Britain Icon_minitimeSun Apr 23, 2023 9:34 pm

Britain boasts some of the most prestigious shopping venues in the world, spanning from sumptuous London stores such as Selfridges to outlets on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile and popular Bicester Village.

Hear! Hear! Scrap the tourist tax that’s harming Britain 70149421-12005245-People_walk_past_Fortnum_and_Mason_in_central_London-m-37_1682283321757

So the prospect of getting 20 per cent off clothes, souvenirs or luxury items to take home is a huge incentive for tourists to come here and splash their cash.

That is why Jeremy Hunt’s decision not to reinstate duty-free shopping for overseas visitors is so short-sighted and damaging.

Just when the UK’s economy needs every bit of help if it is to recover fully from the lingering fallout from the pandemic, the Chancellor has dealt it a devastating blow.

True, the Treasury believes axing this benefit will raise an extra £2billion to help fill the bruising budget deficit. But let’s be crystal clear: This is a false economy.


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Hear! Hear! Scrap the tourist tax that’s harming Britain

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