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 Well meaning, elderly farmer jailed with drug dealers and rapists for "damaging riverbank"

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Well meaning, elderly farmer jailed with drug dealers and rapists for "damaging riverbank" Vide
PostSubject: Well meaning, elderly farmer jailed with drug dealers and rapists for "damaging riverbank"   Well meaning, elderly farmer jailed with drug dealers and rapists for "damaging riverbank" Icon_minitimeSun Apr 23, 2023 6:57 pm

Even the toughest criminals dread being sent to HMP Hewell, a forbidding, red-brick prison that is hidden away in the Worcestershire countryside.

Well meaning, elderly farmer jailed with drug dealers and rapists for "damaging riverbank" 70149707-12005195-image-a-38_1682283938158

Though conditions have improved somewhat since 2019, when independent inspectors described it as 'the worst in the UK', it continues to be plagued by drug-taking and outbreaks of violence.

The shared cells, where inmates eat and sleep beside open toilets, are classed as 'inhumane'.

Many of the 1,300 or so category B prisoners are serving long sentences for offences such as arson, rape, drug-dealing and armed robbery. Lining up for breakfast with these chilling characters yesterday morning, however, was a 68-year-old farmer regarded as a pillar of his local community.

A redoubtable, third-generation landowner who supplies potatoes to one of Britain's best-known crisp manufacturers and prized beef to major supermarkets, John 'Pudge' Price is renowned in the village of Kingsland, near Leominster in Herefordshire, for his philanthropy.


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Well meaning, elderly farmer jailed with drug dealers and rapists for "damaging riverbank"

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