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 Sceniak: Libertarians will continue to push for expanded freedoms

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Sceniak: Libertarians will continue to push for expanded freedoms Vide
PostSubject: Sceniak: Libertarians will continue to push for expanded freedoms   Sceniak: Libertarians will continue to push for expanded freedoms Icon_minitimeFri Nov 11, 2022 3:24 am

James Sceniak, the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s candidate for United States Senate, issued the following statement Tuesday night after conceding the race to Republican Todd Young:

Sceniak: Libertarians will continue to push for expanded freedoms James-Sceniak

“Congratulations to Todd Young. From our perspective, there are so many people who worked so hard this election cycle. I believe we accomplished a lot of goals in our race, including supporting other Libertarian candidates on the ballot.

“I want to thank Evan McMahon, our state chair, campaign manager Danny Lundy, and the rest of my team for their support. I couldn’t ask for a better team. I got to see much of the state, from door-knocking events or the fairs and the many moments we could meet voters. Those were incredible events to go to. I’m thankful to have the opportunities to see the hard work of the county affiliates throughout the state.

“As a Libertarian Party, we are at an important moment. We are a party that will run candidates that value freedom, that value our First and Second Amendment rights, that value fiscal sanity and civil liberties. When we look at these issues, they don’t stop tonight. They’re issues we will have to continue to have a voice for.

“We are going to continue to push forward and make sure every single election cycle, Hoosiers and Americans will have the opportunity to vote for liberty and freedom for all.”


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