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 Despicable United Nations calls on the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks to halt interest rate increases

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Despicable United Nations calls on the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks to halt interest rate increases Vide
PostSubject: Despicable United Nations calls on the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks to halt interest rate increases   Despicable United Nations calls on the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks to halt interest rate increases Icon_minitimeWed Oct 05, 2022 10:39 pm

The very same criminal UN that wants to strip all property rights and enslave the planet with their Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 along with their partners in crime the WEF is now telegraphing their global monetary policy.

Despicable United Nations calls on the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks to halt interest rate increases

It is not just privately owned and unelected central banksters that are stripping the wealth of the world through their technocommunist policies, but unelected entities like the UN.

The UN’s TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2022 is little more than a coverup that provides many excuse to the central banksters when they finally do crash the “markets” so epically that the global financial system will be rendered unrecognizable.

   Today, inflation is caused by a mixture of disruptions in global supply chains, high (container) shipping costs, the impact of war on key sectors, higher mark-ups, commodity-market speculators and the ongoing uncertainty of an evolving pandemic. In this situation, central banks cannot bring inflation down at a socially acceptable cost. Instead, supply-chain disruptions and labour shortages require appropriate industrial policies to increase the supply of key items in the medium term; this must be accompanied by sustained global policy coordination and (liquidity) support to help countries fund and manage these changes (TDR, 2022; Gallagher and Kozul-Wright, 2022).

PSYOP-19 and PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION, which the UN was instrumental in manufacturing, are the main drivers of disruptions in all of the above causes for today’s inflation. Once again, the UN is describing the problems that it and its Cult nodes were responsible for, such that when their central banksters execute PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH the UN will be rolled into the WEF and then both consolidated into the BIS creating a true One World Government with its singular planetary CBDC.

The UN report continues:

   In the meantime, policymakers should seriously consider alternative paths of action to lower inflation in socially desirable ways, including strategic price controls, better regulation to reduce speculative trades in key markets, targeted income support for vulnerable groups and debt relief.

   If monetary tightening in the advanced economies continues over the coming year, however, a global recession is more likely, and, even if it is looser than the 1980s, it will almost unavoidably harm potential growth rate in the developing economies. The permanent damage to economic development in these countries will not only be substantial but will also leave the ambition to achieve a better world by 2030 dangling by the most precarious of threads.

Price controls are quite literally the very endgame of technocommunism in hyper-centralization. This is the antithesis of free market capitalism. And it is demanded in plain sight.

The permanent damage of today’s ruinous monetary policy is a feature, not a bug, functioning as one of the many mechanisms that will usher in the Great Reset. Or so the UN and WEF hope.

The report explains the cause for today’s PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION:

   The Covid shock in March 2020 was quickly and predictably registered by sharp turmoil in financial markets, forcing the leading central banks to inject an unprecedented $9 trillion into them by the end of the year, approximately nine times the amount injected between late 2008 and 2009. This included liquidity support to financial institutions, direct credit lines to corporations and in the case of the Fed, extended swap lines to select central banks in other countries, thus earning it, somewhat hyperbolically, the title of the global lender of last resort (chapter III). However, the Fed’s move steadied financial markets.

This unprecedented liquidity injection had nothing to do with a “pandemic” and everything to do with propping up an untenable global financial system as interest rates were creeping up. These insane money printing operations were yet another massive wealth transfer from Main Street to Wall Street and the Cult that runs them.

When the keyword “sustainable” is invoked, what it is really meant is along the lines of PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE in that your depopulation and control is “sustainable” for their depraved agenda; to wit:


   In the decade following the GFC, an opportunity was missed to put the world economy on a more stable, sustainable and inclusive growth path. Once the panic had been extinguished, the banking system propped up and growth somewhat restored, advanced country governments immediately began to cut spending, while central banks continued to prime financial markets with continued purchases of assets from private actors (quantitative easing). With this backing, non-bank financial institutions greatly expanded their portfolios (chapter III), while large corporations indulged in share buy backs and acquired rival companies. Yet weak capital formation, wage stagnation and unchecked wealth and income inequality held back a strong and inclusive recovery. Rising levels of indebtedness in developed and developing countries alike and across all sections of the economy kept economies ticking, although financial stress mounted, even before Covid struck.

Keywords “stable,” “sustainable” and “inclusive” translate to the growth path that reduces population with the average “global citizen” being "inclusively” “equal” in terms of eradication as per the UN eugenics agenda.

The above good cop bad cop rhetoric positions the UN as the former, and their partners in crime as the latter.


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Despicable United Nations calls on the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks to halt interest rate increases

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