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 Unfortunately, murder charges to be dropped for Texas woman arrested over abortion

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Unfortunately, murder charges to be dropped for Texas woman arrested over abortion  Vide
PostSubject: Unfortunately, murder charges to be dropped for Texas woman arrested over abortion    Unfortunately, murder charges to be dropped for Texas woman arrested over abortion  Icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2022 7:32 pm

The district attorney’s office in a Texas border county said Sunday it intended to dismiss the case against Lizelle Herrera, a 26-year-old who was arrested on murder charges after what authorities said was a “self-induced abortion."

Unfortunately, murder charges to be dropped for Texas woman arrested over abortion  KMEDYWKZH5AADO2JGCZCORKB2Y

The case had confounded activists on both sides of the abortion debate because, although Texas has taken measures to restrict access to abortion, it was not clear which legal statute Herrera was alleged to have violated. Texas law also explicitly exempts a woman from a criminal homicide charge for aborting her pregnancy.

In a statement made to the Associated Press last week, the Starr County Sheriff’s Office merely stated that Herrera was charged after “intentionally and knowingly causing the death of an individual by self-induced abortion.”

On Sunday, the district attorney’s office stated that this was “not a criminal matter.”

“In reviewing applicable Texas law, it is clear that Ms. Herrera cannot and should not be prosecuted for the allegation against her,” District Attorney Gocha Allen Ramirez wrote.

The case was brought to the attention of the sheriff’s office by a hospital, according to Ramirez’s statement.

Calixtro Villarreal, Herrera’s attorney, declined to comment when reached by phone Sunday.


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Unfortunately, murder charges to be dropped for Texas woman arrested over abortion

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