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 That's statism for y'all: ‘They made him kneel and shot him in the head’: the savage occupation of Bucha

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That's statism for y'all: ‘They made him kneel and shot him in the head’: the savage occupation of Bucha Vide
PostSubject: That's statism for y'all: ‘They made him kneel and shot him in the head’: the savage occupation of Bucha   That's statism for y'all: ‘They made him kneel and shot him in the head’: the savage occupation of Bucha Icon_minitimeSun Apr 10, 2022 7:14 pm

Exclusive: resident recounts the murder of her nephew, just one of the casualties of the carnage wrought by Russian forces

That's statism for y'all: ‘They made him kneel and shot him in the head’: the savage occupation of Bucha 4865


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That's statism for y'all: ‘They made him kneel and shot him in the head’: the savage occupation of Bucha

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