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 Larry Bowen and Joe Meadors Tell Their Story of Surviving Israhell's Attack on the USS Liberty

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Larry Bowen and Joe Meadors Tell Their Story of Surviving Israhell's Attack on the USS Liberty Vide
PostSubject: Larry Bowen and Joe Meadors Tell Their Story of Surviving Israhell's Attack on the USS Liberty   Larry Bowen and Joe Meadors Tell Their Story of Surviving Israhell's Attack on the USS Liberty Icon_minitimeThu Mar 31, 2022 9:35 pm

Scott sat down with two of the survivors of the 1967 Israeli attack on the American Navy ship the USS Liberty. They detail their personal experience and fit their story into the broader historical context of the attack. Although the events of that day, almost 55 years ago, still haunt them, they are both fighting to make the public aware of what happened and to pressure Congress to properly acknowledge the attack. They are doing this despite official threats that talking about the attack would lead to prosecution and jail time. At the end, they explain how you can join them in this fight.


Larry Bowers is a survivor of the USS Liberty attack where he was stationed by the NSA. He now serves as the President of the USS Liberty Veterans Association where he works to raise public awareness of the attack

Joe Meadors is a Navy veteran who served as a Signalman on the USS Liberty during the Israeli attack. Today he works as an activist for his shipmates who perished and those who survived and who, like him, have been silenced for 55 years.


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Larry Bowen and Joe Meadors Tell Their Story of Surviving Israhell's Attack on the USS Liberty

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