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 Putin Drafts 134,500 Conscript-Serfs, Says They Won’t Go to Ukraine

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Putin Drafts 134,500 Conscript-Serfs, Says They Won’t Go to Ukraine Vide
PostSubject: Putin Drafts 134,500 Conscript-Serfs, Says They Won’t Go to Ukraine   Putin Drafts 134,500 Conscript-Serfs, Says They Won’t Go to Ukraine Icon_minitimeThu Mar 31, 2022 9:15 pm

President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed a decree ordering 134,500 new conscripts into the army as part of Russia’s annual spring draft, but the defence ministry said the call-up had nothing to do with the war in Ukraine.


The order came five weeks into Russia’s invasion, which has run into fierce Ukrainian resistance. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday that none of those called up would be sent to any “hot spots”.


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Putin Drafts 134,500 Conscript-Serfs, Says They Won’t Go to Ukraine

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