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 New Civil Liberties Alliance taking legal action against the federal government on first amendment grounds

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

New Civil Liberties Alliance taking legal action against the federal government on first amendment grounds Vide
PostSubject: New Civil Liberties Alliance taking legal action against the federal government on first amendment grounds   New Civil Liberties Alliance taking legal action against the federal government on first amendment grounds Icon_minitimeThu Mar 31, 2022 6:22 pm

Kudos to the New Civil Liberties Alliance, and counsel, Jenin Younes

New Civil Liberties Alliance taking legal action against the federal government on first amendment grounds

Jenin Younes of the New Civil Liberties Alliance has spearheaded legal action against the federal government on first (and fourth) amendment grounds. The complaint is above, and here is their summary. Our preliminary injunction request.

The litigants are Daniel Kotzin, Michael Senger, and myself. (I only ended up named first in the lawsuit because I live in Ohio, and they (for some reason) used the Ohio federal court.)

I talk about the case here in Moment 159 of my series.


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New Civil Liberties Alliance taking legal action against the federal government on first amendment grounds

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