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 White House admits ending Title 42 will bring ‘influx of people to the border’

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White House admits ending Title 42 will bring ‘influx of people to the border’ Vide
PostSubject: White House admits ending Title 42 will bring ‘influx of people to the border’   White House admits ending Title 42 will bring ‘influx of people to the border’ Icon_minitimeWed Mar 30, 2022 11:27 pm

The White House acknowledged Wednesday that ending Title 42 border protections, which the Biden administration is reportedly considering, will bring an "influx of people to the border" that is already overwhelmed.

The Associated Press reported Wednesday that the Biden administration is "expected to end the asylum limits at the U.S.-Mexico border by May 23," referring to the Title 42 public health order implemented by the Trump administration at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, which allows for the rapid expulsion of migrants at the southern border.



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White House admits ending Title 42 will bring ‘influx of people to the border’

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