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 D'OH: US general in Europe says there 'could be' an intelligence gap that caused US to overestimate Russia's capabilities

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D'OH: US general in Europe says there 'could be' an intelligence gap that caused US to overestimate Russia's capabilities Vide
PostSubject: D'OH: US general in Europe says there 'could be' an intelligence gap that caused US to overestimate Russia's capabilities   D'OH: US general in Europe says there 'could be' an intelligence gap that caused US to overestimate Russia's capabilities Icon_minitimeWed Mar 30, 2022 4:15 am

The top US general in Europe said Tuesday there "could be" a gap in US intelligence gathering that caused the US to overestimate Russia's capability and underestimate Ukraine's defensive abilities before Russia attacked Ukraine.

D'OH: US general in Europe says there 'could be' an intelligence gap that caused US to overestimate Russia's capabilities ?

When Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine last month, US intelligence assessed that the country-wide assault could lead to Kyiv falling into Russian hands within days. But Russia's military has been bogged down around the capital as the war has entered its second month, beleaguered by sustainability and logistics problems, along with an unexpected stiff resistance from Ukrainian fighters.
Testifying at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday, US European Command chief Gen. Tod Wolters was asked by Sen. Roger Wicker, a Mississippi Republican, if there was an intelligence gap that caused the US to overestimate Russia's strength and underestimate the Ukrainian defenses.

"There could be," Wolters responded. "As we've always done in the past, when this crisis is over with, we will accomplish a comprehensive after-action review in all domains and in all departments and find out where our weak areas were and make sure we can find ways to improve, and this could be one of those areas."

While US intelligence was spot on in predicting Russia was planning to invade Ukraine -- which the Biden administration aggressively released to turn global sentiment against the Kremlin -- the intelligence community did not assess the poor performance of the Russian military.


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D'OH: US general in Europe says there 'could be' an intelligence gap that caused US to overestimate Russia's capabilities

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