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 Three Times Russians Botched a War and Had a Revolution

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Three Times Russians Botched a War and Had a Revolution Vide
PostSubject: Three Times Russians Botched a War and Had a Revolution   Three Times Russians Botched a War and Had a Revolution Icon_minitimeThu Mar 24, 2022 11:48 pm

An isolated autocrat in Moscow makes a fateful decision about war based on rosy assumptions that are quickly disproved on the battlefield. Soon, the effects are felt back home as the economy is thrown into turmoil and political unrest rises.
Today’s headlines echo many wars in the Russian and Soviet past. History records tales of undersupplied Russian conscript soldiers, high inflation and industrial breakdowns during wartime, and tyrants surrounded by flatterers.
The previous wars don’t allow for any firm predictions of what might happen this time. Some of Moscow’s interventions ultimately worked as planned, such as when Red Army tanks invaded Hungary in 1956 and installed a lasting pro-Soviet government.
Still, one lesson of history is that Russia’s conflicts starting abroad or on its borders sometimes end up shaking the country itself at its core. Here is a look at three such cases.

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