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 Boston BLM leader and her husband hit with federal fraud, conspiracy charges

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Boston BLM leader and her husband hit with federal fraud, conspiracy charges Vide
PostSubject: Boston BLM leader and her husband hit with federal fraud, conspiracy charges   Boston BLM leader and her husband hit with federal fraud, conspiracy charges Icon_minitimeWed Mar 16, 2022 11:03 pm

Monica Cannon-Grant, a Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader in Boston, and her husband, Clark Grant, were hit with an 18-page federal indictment for fraud and conspiracy on Tuesday.

Federal authorities allege that Cannon-Grant and Grant have defrauded a large sum of donor dollars out of over $1 million in grants and donations given to their nonprofit, Violence in Boston, which aims to help violence survivors in the city.

Cannon-Grant, a prominent BLM organizer, was arrested outside of her Beantown home Tuesday and declined to comment at the courthouse after being released on personal recognizance, meaning she'll remain free without bail but with a written promise to appear in court.

Boston BLM leader and her husband hit with federal fraud, conspiracy charges ?


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Boston BLM leader and her husband hit with federal fraud, conspiracy charges

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