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 ClownWorld: Amid Ukraine War, Russia "Ready" To Resume Strategic Arms Reduction Talks With US

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ClownWorld: Amid Ukraine War, Russia "Ready" To Resume Strategic Arms Reduction Talks With US Vide
PostSubject: ClownWorld: Amid Ukraine War, Russia "Ready" To Resume Strategic Arms Reduction Talks With US   ClownWorld: Amid Ukraine War, Russia "Ready" To Resume Strategic Arms Reduction Talks With US Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2022 9:10 pm

In the backdrop to Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a years-long breakdown in positive communications and relations between the US and Washington, set amid four years of Russiagate narratives stoked by the media during the Trump presidency.

This period saw the collapse of multiple key end of Cold War era treaties, including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF Treaty, as well as 'Open Skies' - as Washington pulled out. The 'New START' nuclear arms reduction treaty was also on the chopping block.

In the lead up to the diplomatic back-and-forth and standoff sparked by Russia's amassing troops at the border with Ukraine, multiple Western security analysts stressed that the number one overarching issue currently between Russia and the US remains the placement of missiles and nuclear warheads in Europe.

ClownWorld: Amid Ukraine War, Russia "Ready" To Resume Strategic Arms Reduction Talks With US Missiledef


Oh man
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ClownWorld: Amid Ukraine War, Russia "Ready" To Resume Strategic Arms Reduction Talks With US

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