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 Russia Threatens Attack On NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine: "Legitimate Targets"

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Russia Threatens Attack On NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine: "Legitimate Targets" Vide
PostSubject: Russia Threatens Attack On NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine: "Legitimate Targets"   Russia Threatens Attack On NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine: "Legitimate Targets" Icon_minitimeSat Mar 12, 2022 8:14 pm

Setting the stage for a potential major escalation with Western and NATO powers, the Kremlin warned on Saturday that the Russian military is prepared to target Western arms shipments that are continuing to pour into Ukraine. Russia's Deputy FM Sergei Ryabkov said on state TV that Washington had been informed in the last days that Moscow will see weapons supply convoys entering Ukraine as "legitimate targets".

"We warned the United States that the orchestrated pumping of weapons from a number of countries is not just a dangerous move, it is a move that turns these convoys into legitimate targets," Ryabkov said in the remarks, which served as a severe warning to the West.

Russia Threatens Attack On NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine: "Legitimate Targets" Easteuropemissiles


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Russia Threatens Attack On NATO Weapons Shipments To Ukraine: "Legitimate Targets"

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