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 Yet more idiots in science: The Higgs boson could have kept our universe from collapsing

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Yet more idiots in science: The Higgs boson could have kept our universe from collapsing Vide
PostSubject: Yet more idiots in science: The Higgs boson could have kept our universe from collapsing   Yet more idiots in science: The Higgs boson could have kept our universe from collapsing Icon_minitimeSat Jan 29, 2022 7:04 pm

Other patches in the multiverse would have, instead, met their ends.

Yet more idiots in science: The Higgs boson could have kept our universe from collapsing 2DJAhKqrGNZfuzptjH3wbL-320-80


fuckoff      idiots
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Yet more idiots in science: The Higgs boson could have kept our universe from collapsing

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