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 Man gets vaccinated TEN times in ONE DAY 'while pretending to be different anti-vaxxers' as doctors warn it could have serious health risks

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Man gets vaccinated TEN times in ONE DAY 'while pretending to be different anti-vaxxers' as doctors warn it could have serious health risks Vide
PostSubject: Man gets vaccinated TEN times in ONE DAY 'while pretending to be different anti-vaxxers' as doctors warn it could have serious health risks   Man gets vaccinated TEN times in ONE DAY 'while pretending to be different anti-vaxxers' as doctors warn it could have serious health risks Icon_minitimeSun Dec 12, 2021 5:21 pm

A man received the Covid-19 vaccine 10 times in one day after he was paid by anti-vaxxers to get their jabs.

Man gets vaccinated TEN times in ONE DAY 'while pretending to be different anti-vaxxers' as doctors warn it could have serious health risks 51699045-10302107-image-a-8_1639339993355

The man, who has not been identified, pretended to be a different person each time he visited a doctor in New Zealand.

He was then given the jab before the vaccination records were updated for the real person.

Authorities believe anti-vaxxers paid the man so they could enjoy the same freedoms as the vaccinated without having to get the jab.


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Man gets vaccinated TEN times in ONE DAY 'while pretending to be different anti-vaxxers' as doctors warn it could have serious health risks

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