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 Idiots in Government: White House blames Republicans for prolonging the pandemic

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Idiots in Government: White House blames Republicans for prolonging the pandemic Vide
PostSubject: Idiots in Government: White House blames Republicans for prolonging the pandemic   Idiots in Government: White House blames Republicans for prolonging the pandemic Icon_minitimeSat Dec 04, 2021 5:10 am

WASHINGTON — With the Omicron variant of the coronavirus having made landfall in the United States and with public discontent with the economy on the rise, the White House blamed Republicans for its woes.


“There are some forces against us,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki conceded at a Friday afternoon press briefing, which followed a lackluster November jobs report, as well as the fact that coronavirus infection rates are rising across much of the country. With only 60 percent of Americans vaccinated and Omicron likely able to break through natural immunity from a previous coronavirus infection, those rates could rise ever higher.

The president said earlier this week that new lockdowns are “off the table.” His battle plan for the months ahead, revealed on Thursday, reflects an inauspicious political scenario in which he has little room to maneuver without encountering an emboldened Republican opposition.

Democrats have recently pressed the president to more forcefully fight that opposition. He had done so earlier, when Republicans challenged federal health authorities on school-based mask recommendations in August and September, but his natural tendency is towards reconciliation, not attack.


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Idiots in Government: White House blames Republicans for prolonging the pandemic

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