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 Idiots in Government: Germany announces new Covid restrictions for the unvaccinated as infection rate hits record

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Idiots in Government: Germany announces new Covid restrictions for the unvaccinated as infection rate hits record Vide
PostSubject: Idiots in Government: Germany announces new Covid restrictions for the unvaccinated as infection rate hits record   Idiots in Government: Germany announces new Covid restrictions for the unvaccinated as infection rate hits record Icon_minitimeThu Nov 18, 2021 7:46 pm

  • The package reportedly includes a limit on public life for the unvaccinated in areas that exceed a certain threshold of hospital admissions.
  • Merkel said the country was also considering making it mandatory for hospital staff to be vaccinated, and free Covid testing will resume.

Idiots in Government: Germany announces new Covid restrictions for the unvaccinated as infection rate hits record 106867321-1618304881309-gettyimages-1232280332-AFP_97W3CU


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Idiots in Government: Germany announces new Covid restrictions for the unvaccinated as infection rate hits record

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