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 Kike Freak: Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service

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Kike Freak: Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service Vide
PostSubject: Kike Freak: Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service   Kike Freak: Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service Icon_minitimeTue Oct 19, 2021 8:23 pm

The former Pennsylvania health secretary is the sixth four-star admiral in the history of the health corps.

Kike Freak: Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service 3JVJA3AJHBAV3ACEFMXPLL46QA

A senior Biden health appointee who made history when she became the nation’s highest-ranking openly transgender official has also become its first openly transgender four-star officer.

Rachel Levine, the U.S. assistant secretary for health, was sworn in Tuesday as an admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, a 6,000-person force that responds to health crises on behalf of the federal government, including administering coronavirus vaccines and delivering care after hurricanes. Levine is also the organization’s first-ever female four-star admiral.


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Kike Freak: Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service

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