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 Fuck The Useless & Oppressive Statist Licensing Racket For Serfs: Hospital staff contributed to Covid patient's death after using wrong ventilator filter

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Fuck The Useless & Oppressive Statist Licensing Racket For Serfs: Hospital staff contributed to Covid patient's death after using wrong ventilator filter Vide
PostSubject: Fuck The Useless & Oppressive Statist Licensing Racket For Serfs: Hospital staff contributed to Covid patient's death after using wrong ventilator filter   Fuck The Useless & Oppressive Statist Licensing Racket For Serfs: Hospital staff contributed to Covid patient's death after using wrong ventilator filter Icon_minitimeTue Oct 12, 2021 5:33 pm

Staff at London's Nightingale Hospital contributed to the death of a coronavirus patient after fitting his ventilator with an incorrect filter, an inquest has heard.

London bus driver Kishorkumar Patel, 58, was one of the first patients to be transferred to the flagship Nightingale, for coronavirus treatment on April 7 last year after experiencing shortness of breath, coughing and fatigue.


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Fuck The Useless & Oppressive Statist Licensing Racket For Serfs: Hospital staff contributed to Covid patient's death after using wrong ventilator filter

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