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 Idiots: British Airways tells pilots and cabin crew not to refer to passengers as 'ladies and gentlemen' in favour of gender-neutral terms to celebrate 'diversity and inclusion'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots: British Airways tells pilots and cabin crew not to refer to passengers as 'ladies and gentlemen' in favour of gender-neutral terms to celebrate 'diversity and inclusion' Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: British Airways tells pilots and cabin crew not to refer to passengers as 'ladies and gentlemen' in favour of gender-neutral terms to celebrate 'diversity and inclusion'   Idiots: British Airways tells pilots and cabin crew not to refer to passengers as 'ladies and gentlemen' in favour of gender-neutral terms to celebrate 'diversity and inclusion' Icon_minitimeMon Oct 11, 2021 5:52 pm

British Airways has instructed pilots and cabin crew not to refer to passengers as 'ladies and gentlemen' in an effort to celebrate 'diversity and inclusion'.

Idiots: British Airways tells pilots and cabin crew not to refer to passengers as 'ladies and gentlemen' in favour of gender-neutral terms to celebrate 'diversity and inclusion' 48974525-10076705-image-a-47_1633825944191

Britain's flagship carrier has abandoned the greeting in favour of more gender-neutral terms, reportedly to respect wider social norms and make children feel included.

Other major airlines, including Lufthansa, easyJet and Air Canada, have already adopted gender-neutral language.


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Idiots: British Airways tells pilots and cabin crew not to refer to passengers as 'ladies and gentlemen' in favour of gender-neutral terms to celebrate 'diversity and inclusion'

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