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 Idiots in Government: CA county to ban 911 calls "based on bias"

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Idiots in Government: CA county to ban 911 calls "based on bias" Vide
PostSubject: Idiots in Government: CA county to ban 911 calls "based on bias"   Idiots in Government: CA county to ban 911 calls "based on bias" Icon_minitimeFri Sep 17, 2021 7:36 pm

Out in Santa Cruz County, California, the Board of Supervisors has passed a new municipal ordinance involving 911 calls. They want residents to know that they are free to call the emergency services line if they see something suspicious, but if it involves a person of color, the caller may wind up getting hit with a fine of up to $1,000. Of course, they don’t say it quite that explicitly. They are banning 911 calls that are “based on bias.” But let’s face it… that’s what it boils down to. So what sort of impact will this have on people facing potentially legitimate emergencies or who see people engaging in what appears to be illegal activity? The Board is quite sure nothing will go amiss. (CBS San Francisco)

Idiots in Government: CA county to ban 911 calls "based on bias" 92befcab-3dd9-48c5-b9ef-2e725c791149-860x475

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Idiots in Government: CA county to ban 911 calls "based on bias"

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