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 Idiots in Government: Australian nuclear-powered submarines will be banned from entering NZ waters

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Idiots in Government: Australian nuclear-powered submarines will be banned from entering NZ waters Vide
PostSubject: Idiots in Government: Australian nuclear-powered submarines will be banned from entering NZ waters   Idiots in Government: Australian nuclear-powered submarines will be banned from entering NZ waters Icon_minitimeWed Sep 15, 2021 9:13 pm

I’ll bring you more on this in a second but it seems the New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern plans to ban Australia’s future nuclear-powered submarines from the country’s waters.
Now, this isn’t totally surprising though as New Zealand has banned all nuclear-powered vessels from entering its waters since the 198os.

Idiots in Government: Australian nuclear-powered submarines will be banned from entering NZ waters 5202


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Idiots in Government: Australian nuclear-powered submarines will be banned from entering NZ waters

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