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 A St. Cloud woman faces assault charges after attacking multiple people with an ax

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A St. Cloud woman faces assault charges after attacking multiple people with an ax Vide
PostSubject: A St. Cloud woman faces assault charges after attacking multiple people with an ax   A St. Cloud woman faces assault charges after attacking multiple people with an ax Icon_minitimeSun Sep 12, 2021 2:36 am

A St. Cloud woman faces assault charges after allegedly attacking multiple people with an ax.

The St. Cloud Police Department says shortly before 11:30 a.m. Saturday morning, officers responded to a complaint of a woman attempting to hurt people with an ax in the 400 block of 8th Avenue South.

A St. Cloud woman faces assault charges after attacking multiple people with an ax 20181208_131739


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A St. Cloud woman faces assault charges after attacking multiple people with an ax

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