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 Murdered rapper Pop Smoke's tomb is VANDALIZED by intruders who smashed through his headstone and tried to remove his casket

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Murdered rapper Pop Smoke's tomb is VANDALIZED by intruders who smashed through his headstone and tried to remove his casket Vide
PostSubject: Murdered rapper Pop Smoke's tomb is VANDALIZED by intruders who smashed through his headstone and tried to remove his casket   Murdered rapper Pop Smoke's tomb is VANDALIZED by intruders who smashed through his headstone and tried to remove his casket Icon_minitimeSat Sep 11, 2021 10:58 pm

  • Eyewitnesses saw that Pop Smoke's tomb in Brooklyn had been significantly damaged on Saturday morning
  • The headstone had been shattered and scratches suggested they may have tried to drag out the casket
  • The rapper (born Bashar Barakah Jackson) was gunned down at age 20 on February 19, 2020, during a home invasion

Murdered rapper Pop Smoke's tomb is VANDALIZED by intruders who smashed through his headstone and tried to remove his casket 47802753-9981543-Shocking_The_tomb_of_the_slain_rapper_Pop_Smoke_was_found_severe-m-2_1631409837648


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Murdered rapper Pop Smoke's tomb is VANDALIZED by intruders who smashed through his headstone and tried to remove his casket

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