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 Disgusting Salesforce offers to relocate employees and their families after Texas abortion law goes into effect

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Disgusting Salesforce offers to relocate employees and their families after Texas abortion law goes into effect Vide
PostSubject: Disgusting Salesforce offers to relocate employees and their families after Texas abortion law goes into effect   Disgusting Salesforce offers to relocate employees and their families after Texas abortion law goes into effect Icon_minitimeSat Sep 11, 2021 10:07 pm

  • Salesforce committed to helping employees and their families relocate if they’re concerned about the ability to seek reproductive care, after a Texas abortion law went into effect.
  • Lyft and Uber previously offered to pay legal fees for drivers who face potential lawsuits related to the new law.

Disgusting Salesforce offers to relocate employees and their families after Texas abortion law goes into effect 106351830-1579798817523dsc03774r


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Disgusting Salesforce offers to relocate employees and their families after Texas abortion law goes into effect

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