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 Statist Insanity Continues: Tory MPs need ‘Covid passport’ to meet Boris Johnson at No 10

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Statist Insanity Continues: Tory MPs need ‘Covid passport’ to meet Boris Johnson at No 10  Vide
PostSubject: Statist Insanity Continues: Tory MPs need ‘Covid passport’ to meet Boris Johnson at No 10    Statist Insanity Continues: Tory MPs need ‘Covid passport’ to meet Boris Johnson at No 10  Icon_minitimeTue Sep 07, 2021 1:16 am

Invitation to drinks with the Prime Minister asks guests to bring proof they have been double-jabbed or had a recent negative test

Boris Johnson has ordered Tory MPs who want to meet him in 10 Downing Street to bring "Covid passports".An invitation to drinks on Tuesday night with the Prime Minister in Downing Street asks them to bring proof that they have been double jabbed or had a recent negative test.The invitation - seen by the Telegraph - tells the MPs that "for security and safety reasons ... you will need to present your NHS Covid Pass on entry which shows proof of double vaccination, a recent infection or a recent negative test".Mr Johnson is apparently meeting with groups of Conservative MPs...


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Statist Insanity Continues: Tory MPs need ‘Covid passport’ to meet Boris Johnson at No 10

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