Ayn Rand's Statist, Randroid Idiots: Out of the mouths of 'Objectivists:' Yaron Brook: Horrific Texas Abortion Law Is Anti American
RR Phantom
Location : Wasted Space Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary
Subject: Ayn Rand's Statist, Randroid Idiots: Out of the mouths of 'Objectivists:' Yaron Brook: Horrific Texas Abortion Law Is Anti American Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:08 pm
"This abortion ban... is the worst I've ever seen. Ignorant and evil."
"To hell with a woman's responsibility for her own body. To hell with the idea that a woman is an autonomous entity. No, she has to basically be a ... serve as a parasite(!) for the fetus, who has rights which she doesn't."
"...a clump of cells inside her body. Six weeks is not human life."
"It's a consequence of altruism ... sacrifice this actual human being for a potential human being."
"Abortion is completely moral."
"The consequences of outlawing abortion are particularly horrific for women, for children, for doctors who are willing to do abortion."
P.S. His charge of unconstitutionality is crap. The precedent set by Roe v Wade was itself unconstitutional.
Subject: Re: Ayn Rand's Statist, Randroid Idiots: Out of the mouths of 'Objectivists:' Yaron Brook: Horrific Texas Abortion Law Is Anti American Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:12 pm
Quote :
"...a clump of cells inside her body. Six weeks is not human life."
Guess she must be growing carrots or something...
Ayn Rand's Statist, Randroid Idiots: Out of the mouths of 'Objectivists:' Yaron Brook: Horrific Texas Abortion Law Is Anti American