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 AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing “Pandemic” and “Vaccine” Language

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AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing “Pandemic” and “Vaccine” Language Vide
PostSubject: AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing “Pandemic” and “Vaccine” Language   AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing “Pandemic” and “Vaccine” Language Icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2021 10:52 pm

Yesterday on this program I told you about Doctor Courtney Bennett at the Mayo Clinic. She’s the cardiologist who said that, if you’re not vaccinated and you get sick, then, quote, “do me a favor and don’t burden our hospitals because you are ignorant. Ask YouTube for help.”

AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing “Pandemic” and “Vaccine” Language 2021.09.01-08.40-redvoicemedia-612fe5513fe67-1024x640

Well, now we may have some indication of who’s shaping Doctor Bennett’s words.

It turns out the American Medical Association has been putting out lengthy guidelines dictating to doctors what they’re supposed to say to the public, like trained propagandists.

This guide was made last winter, and it’s really a remarkable read. There’s literally a section titled “COVID-19 Language Swaps” where the AMA instructs doctors on what words to say, and which ones to not say. Don’t call it a “lockdown,” it’s a “stay-at-home order.” Don’t say “government,” say “public health agencies.” When they talk about vaccines, they aren’t supposed to give facts about the testing process — the money spent on it, the number of test participants — but instead they’re supposed to just call it “a transparent, rigorous process,” while actually reducing the amount of rigor shown to the public. And this one is particularly incredible: The AMA actually asks doctors to not mention the coronavirus or COVID-19. Instead, they say to just talk about “the pandemic” instead.

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing “Pandemic” and “Vaccine” Language Vide
PostSubject: Re: AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing “Pandemic” and “Vaccine” Language   AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing “Pandemic” and “Vaccine” Language Icon_minitimeThu Sep 02, 2021 11:28 pm

There IS a word they shouldn't be using here... "vaccine." The purpose of a vaccine is to inoculate against infection. The purpose of these covid jabs is mostly to reduce the symptoms once infected.
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AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing “Pandemic” and “Vaccine” Language

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