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 Commies With A Death Wish Itching For A Civil War: Dems set to start impeachment Monday

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Commies With A Death Wish Itching For A Civil War: Dems set to start impeachment Monday Vide
PostSubject: Commies With A Death Wish Itching For A Civil War: Dems set to start impeachment Monday   Commies With A Death Wish Itching For A Civil War: Dems set to start impeachment Monday Icon_minitimeSun Jan 10, 2021 12:21 am

Mitch McConnell has informed senators that without unanimous consent, January 20 is likely the earliest a trial could begin, overshadowing start of Biden administration

Commies With A Death Wish Itching For A Civil War: Dems set to start impeachment Monday 000_8VL23W-e1605974222539-640x400

Democrats plan to introduce articles of impeachment against US President Donald Trump in the House of Representatives on Monday, after he fired up a crowd Wednesday that later staged a violent siege of the US Capitol.

But outgoing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has informed senators that a potential trial in the Senate following impeachment in the House is unlikely to begin before Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20.

According to CBS News, a memo from McConnell to senators explains that as the Senate is currently not fully in session, unless there is unanimous agreement by all 100 senators to push a trial forward — an unlikely prospect — the earliest a trial could begin in earnest is January 20. This would leave the national focus squarely on Trump and his controversies as Biden takes office and seeks to move the country forward.


democrats    hangthem!     Purge
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