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 The Media’s Futile Information Suppression Complex

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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The Media’s Futile Information Suppression Complex Vide
PostSubject: The Media’s Futile Information Suppression Complex   The Media’s Futile Information Suppression Complex Icon_minitimeThu Oct 22, 2020 5:45 pm

Hunter Biden's corruption sees the light of day despite their best efforts

The Media’s Futile Information Suppression Complex GettyImages-1267429364-736x414

If you needed evidence that "Russian disinformation" has become a catchall term for anything that undermines the Democratic Party's electoral prospects, look no further than the response of top party apparatchiks and the mainstream media to last week's New York Post exposé on Hunter Biden.

According to Sen. Chris Murphy (D., Conn.), the story is "very likely Russian propaganda." House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D., Calif.) is certain the materials came "from the Kremlin." And CNN's John Harwood tells us the story is "clear disinformation by Russian intelligence."

The Russians may very well be behind the embarrassing email leak, as they were behind the leak of Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2016. That hardly makes the emails "disinformation." A photograph of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe dangling from his lips looks like the real McCoy to us.

The Biden campaign has offered no suggestion that the emails are phony. Instead, Biden has offered the magical one-word response that his former boss, aided and abetted by the press, used so effectively in 2008: Smear!
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