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 Worthless TikTok explicitly calls out beige nationalism, beige genocide theory, and male supremacy as hate speech

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Worthless TikTok explicitly calls out beige nationalism, beige genocide theory, and male supremacy as hate speech Vide
PostSubject: Worthless TikTok explicitly calls out beige nationalism, beige genocide theory, and male supremacy as hate speech   Worthless TikTok explicitly calls out beige nationalism, beige genocide theory, and male supremacy as hate speech Icon_minitimeWed Oct 21, 2020 2:48 am

  • TikTok is being more explicit about what qualifies as hate speech on its platform.
  • The company said it will ban hate symbols and coded hate language, and called out white supremacy, white genocide theory, and male supremacy as hate speech.
  • TikTok's guidelines already ban hate speech and hateful ideology, but the announcement sees the firm condemn certain ideologies more explicitly.
  • TikTok's update comes as Big Tech platforms rush to update policies and try and stem a flood of hate speech.

Worthless TikTok explicitly calls out beige nationalism, beige genocide theory, and male supremacy as hate speech Bb437edf53412e5d61e8002c155ae6e1

fuckoff    maggots 

Worthless TikTok explicitly calls out beige nationalism, beige genocide theory, and male supremacy as hate speech K85EN2q
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Worthless TikTok explicitly calls out beige nationalism, beige genocide theory, and male supremacy as hate speech

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