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 Study: Education, economic benefits possible from expansion of North Carolina school-choice program

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Study: Education, economic benefits possible from expansion of North Carolina school-choice program Vide
PostSubject: Study: Education, economic benefits possible from expansion of North Carolina school-choice program   Study: Education, economic benefits possible from expansion of North Carolina school-choice program Icon_minitimeThu Oct 08, 2020 3:55 am

Giving parents the ability to choose what school their children attend could save North Carolina taxpayers money, among other benefits, according to a new study.

Released this week by Raleigh-based conservative think tank Civitas Institute and libertarian think tank Reason Foundation, the study said establishing a statewide education savings account program in North Carolina could improve educational and socioeconomic outcomes.

Study: Education, economic benefits possible from expansion of North Carolina school-choice program 5f7e490f57fa0.image
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Study: Education, economic benefits possible from expansion of North Carolina school-choice program

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