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 Biden-Harris Not On the Side of Law and Order — Or Ours

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Biden-Harris Not On the Side of Law and Order — Or Ours  Vide
PostSubject: Biden-Harris Not On the Side of Law and Order — Or Ours    Biden-Harris Not On the Side of Law and Order — Or Ours  Icon_minitimeThu Aug 20, 2020 3:13 am

Joe Biden could hardly have chosen a less principled vice presidential candidate than Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.

America’s cities are awash in blood, with 36 of the 50 largest municipalities seeing double-digit increases in murder.

It’s only been a few weeks since multiple people died because anarchists and Marxists in Seattle declared a section of the city off-limits to civic authorities and tried to establish their own self-governing enclave.

Biden-Harris Not On the Side of Law and Order — Or Ours  GetFile

The looting and destruction of public property continue unabated in major cities all over the country, egged on by Democratic officials who refuse to prosecute hundreds of people arrested for rioting and assaulting police officers.

Placing herself squarely in the camp of spineless appeasers like Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, Harris has made abundantly clear that she sides with the criminals.

While our cities were in flames and the murder rate exploded, Harris made a point of openly supporting efforts to raise bail money for the people responsible. As could have been predicted, such efforts led to the freeing of at least one convicted rapist, who used the unexpected freedom bought by his liberal donors to strike again.

Harris remained 100% on the rioters’ side even after the situation in Portland had already conclusively spiraled into madness, with destruction of federal property and nightly attacks on police officers for more than two months, apparently buying in to the ridiculous theory that it was federal agents’ presence in the city that was "instigating" the violence — a theory that has been conclusively disproven by the intensificationof the violence after the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) pulled those agents back.

Instead of being concerned that anarchists had tried to burn down the Portland Police Association headquarters for the third time, Harris was outraged that Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf hadn’t consulted with medical experts about the effects tear gas might have on the rioters.

The politicians who are allowing America to slide into anarchy certainly think highly of Sen. Harris. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who shamelessly indulged rioters in May and June and then was shocked when her city descended into a bloodbath and suffered from a new round of activist-justified looting this month, thinks Harris is "not a woman to be trifled with."

None of this should be mistaken for Harris being a "bleeding heart" or libertarian-leaning "progressive." She has proven perfectly willing to unleash the unbridled might of the state on people who do not share her politics.

She was eager to throw the book at Jussie Smollet’s imaginary racist, homophobic "MAGA-country" assailants, just as she is eager to spend billions of dollars, curtail gun rights, and infringe on free speech to help hunt down Americans she imagines are part of "global white-nationalist terrorism."

When Harris says she wants to go after her political enemies, she means it.

In California, she went after anti-abortion activists who recorded Planned Parenthood officials making damaging statements, slapping them with 14 felony charges. She even ruthlessly had parents arrested — under a program she personally championed — because their kids were late to school too often.

At the same time, she was dismantling the state’s leading narcotics unit, declining to pursue California’s authorized death penalty against cop killers, and outright refusing to enforce both federal immigration laws and the ban on same-sex marriage that  Californians themselves had voted for just a few years earlier.

With cold, calculating politicians like Kamala Harris, it’s never about what their stated principles are or what they say they’re willing to do. The truth is that they’re willing to do anything, and the only thing that matters is whose side they’re on. Joe Biden’s choice of running mate has made perfectly clear whose side he’s on, and it’s not ours.
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