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 US to force foreign students out of the country if classes are moved fully online

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US to force foreign students out of the country if classes are moved fully online Vide
PostSubject: US to force foreign students out of the country if classes are moved fully online   US to force foreign students out of the country if classes are moved fully online Icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2020 2:18 am

The US government announced Monday that international students whose universities are transitioning to online-only learning due to COVID-19 will lose their status and have to leave the country. News regarding the policy have sowed chaos, fear, and confusion among over one million foreign students currently living in the US and have rattled the institutions they attend. A lawsuit seeking to block the new rule has already been filed by Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

US to force foreign students out of the country if classes are moved fully online Screen-Shot-Magazine-US-threatens-to-force-out-foreign-students-if-classes-are-moved-fully-online-Nicholas-Grange
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US to force foreign students out of the country if classes are moved fully online

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