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 'Shocked and angered': Miami police director calls for investigation after video shows officer punching woman

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'Shocked and angered': Miami police director calls for investigation after video shows officer punching woman Vide
PostSubject: 'Shocked and angered': Miami police director calls for investigation after video shows officer punching woman   'Shocked and angered': Miami police director calls for investigation after video shows officer punching woman Icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2020 2:44 am

The director of the Miami-Dade Police Department ordered an investigation on Wednesday night after a video on social media showed one of its officers punching a Black woman at Miami International Airport.
The video, dated July 1 and identified by police as bodycam footage, shows a masked male officer arguing with the unmasked woman near a check-in desk at the airport. The woman, at one point, can be heard saying that the officer is "acting like you white when you really Black."
The woman yells at the officer, "What you going to do?" The officer responds by hitting her in the face before pushing her to the ground, the video shows.
Two officers, including the one whose the bodycam was recording the incident, then rush in as the first officer says, “she headbutted me."

obey   copinabox
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'Shocked and angered': Miami police director calls for investigation after video shows officer punching woman

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