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 How Immoral China Scammed Hong Kong

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How Immoral China Scammed Hong Kong Vide
PostSubject: How Immoral China Scammed Hong Kong   How Immoral China Scammed Hong Kong Icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2020 1:13 am

It pays to play the long game against people who want to be free.

How Immoral China Scammed Hong Kong 30lian1-articleLarge

After many years of rejecting the people of Hong Kong’s persistent demands for genuine universal suffrage and other rights, China made its position clear again on Tuesday with the legislative equivalent of a cracking head bash.
It chose the eve of July 1, a triple anniversary — of the birth of the Chinese Communist Party (1921), the handover of Hong Kong from Britain to China (1997) and a break-in of the city’s legislature by pro-democracy activists (2019) — to pass a draconian national security law that will forever harm Hong Kong’s political freedoms and hobble its economic relations with the rest of the world.
Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China with its own, supposedly independent, executive, legislative and judiciary branches. Yet the new law was proposed in Beijing, drafted in Beijing and promulgated in Beijing.
It went into force as soon as it was gazetted on Tuesday night — which was also the first time its contents were released to the public.

The law criminalizes acts of secession, the subversion of state power, terrorism and “collusion with foreign or external forces to endanger national security.” Some offenses in each of these categories are punishable with life imprisonment. Property damage alone might amount to terrorism.

:commiebandit:    :fiftycentparty
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How Immoral China Scammed Hong Kong

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