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 Outrageous injustice: OZschwitz employers held responsible for family violence

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Outrageous injustice: OZschwitz employers held responsible for family violence Vide
PostSubject: Outrageous injustice: OZschwitz employers held responsible for family violence   Outrageous injustice: OZschwitz employers held responsible for family violence Icon_minitimeSun Jun 07, 2020 10:06 pm

The NSW Supreme Court has ruled an employer can be held responsible for family violence when staff work from home, thrusting the issue onto the workplace agenda.

Outrageous injustice: OZschwitz employers held responsible for family violence C733891e45c39730df169c223d1bd92df3d9b8d6

The decision was the final appeal over a workers' compensation claim by the children of a woman killed by her de facto partner while working from home.

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Outrageous injustice: OZschwitz employers held responsible for family violence

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