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 Analyzing 1984: An Orwellian Criticism Of Totalitarianism

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Analyzing 1984: An Orwellian Criticism Of Totalitarianism Vide
PostSubject: Analyzing 1984: An Orwellian Criticism Of Totalitarianism   Analyzing 1984: An Orwellian Criticism Of Totalitarianism Icon_minitimeMon Apr 06, 2020 12:46 am

“Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree
I sold you, and you sold me..”

Utopia, as we have long been promised, by the several antitheses of history, opens up for the government an opportunity to justify the curtailment of privileges and rights handed over to us by nature itself. And a society, wedded to the strive for Utopia, with its people forever part of it, blinds to the totalitarian menace it faces. Here, the already thin line between Utopia and dystopia becomes thinner. And Orwell’s ‘1984’, with its clever literary ingredients and interesting satirical spices, clearly portrays the shift of the promise of a “Better life” to a paradoxical, dark and dystopian societal structure long justified by the State in the name of Socialism, sucking the masses’ ability to counter-think and then dissent.
An inner struggle of the self to cling to the basic human instincts (to believe in yourself that yes! you are still a human and not a humanoid, what your State want you to be at any cost) like sex and tenderness that is manifested invariably in the covert relationship between the two characters in the book, Julia and the protagonist himself, Mr Smith, goes hand in hand with the Police excesses practised on the individuals who show reservations against the government, even of lilliputian proportion, and their subsequent “vaporization“- Execution.

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Analyzing 1984: An Orwellian Criticism Of Totalitarianism

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